Buy PC Ammo
PC Ammo. Purple. Polymer Coated. Cleaner. More Accurate. Available at King Shooters Supply. Stop in and stock up. At this time, in-store purchases only.
Available in the Store:
- 380 Round Nose
- 9mm 115grain Round Nose
- 9mm 124gr Round Nose
- 38 148gr Double Wadcutter
- 38 158gr Round Nose
- 38 158gr Semi-Wadcutter
- 40 165gr Flat Point
- 40 180gr Round Nose Flat Point
- 45 230gr Round Nose
Buy PC Bullets
Are you a reloader? Use PC Bullets. The polymer coating doesn't come off, your hands aren't dirty, your dies don't turn purple, and you'll have a more accurate and cleaner round.
PC Bullets are cleaner. Your finished round will be cleaner. Your hands stay clean, your gun stays clean.
PC Bullets are more accurate. Our competitive shooters tell us that a group that was the size of a quarter is now the size of a dime. That's what Master Class shooting is all about.
PC Bullets are cheaper than plated or jacketed ammunition, and are still accepted at the range because the alloy is wholly encapsulated - there is no exposed lead.
And PC Bullets are purple.
Interested in Reloading but don't know where to start?
The link below will take you right to our Class Registration page. You'll have 2 hours with our Master Reloader in a small setting with plenty of time for hands-on and questions.
While you're on our store website, check out all the other classes and products available.
Be sure to stop in and see us too, the Customer Service from our guys is second to none.
Since 1993
Why buy PC Ammo?
PC Ammo is cleaner. Your hands stay clean, your gun stays clean.
PC Ammo is coated, there is no metal contact with the bore, thus no lead fouling.
PC Ammo is a polymer coated - no copper jacket. So there's no lead fouling in the bore and the splash-back on steel targets is minimized.
PC Ammo is more accurate. Our competitive shooters tell us that a group that was the size of a quarter is now the size of a dime. That's what Master Class shooting is all about.
PC Ammo is cheaper than plated or jacketed ammunition, and is still accepted at the range because the alloy is wholly encapsulated - there is no exposed lead.
And PC Ammo is purple.